New Mexico was one of the most active states during the New Deal era, particularly in the arts. Today it is home to over 100 works of art created through the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration (WPA), which our organization is dedicate to preserving for future generations.
In towns across New Mexico are treasures from one of New Mexico's great artistic periods.
For years they have been hidden away in schools, post offices and court houses.
New Deal Art is Uniquely American
There are over 90 known communities in New Mexico that have their own New Deal public art and/or buildings.
This film, presented by PBS NM, rediscovers our WPA artistic heritage by interviewing some of the remaining WPA artists and by looking closely at the artists and artworks themselves.
Written by NNDPA Executive Director, Kathryn Flynn.
This book will give you directions to New Mexico's amazing New Deal treasures and to buildings and bridges, murals and sculptures, paintings and people who made them.
They have been patiently waiting in our cities, our villages, our parks, rarely witnessed as being ''treasures.'' They were constructed perhaps even by your own artistic ancestors. This book is full of clues. Go sleuthing!
Click Through Our Gallery Of New Deal Art From Around The State

NNDPA has assembled an impressive library of photographs of public art work created by New Mexico’s talented New Deal artists and photographers. Framed reproductions of these valuable artistic pieces of New Mexico history are available for a 3-month rental for community display and enjoyment.
Share the Legacy…
Any group interested in sharing the beauty of this public art legacy is invited to host the photo exhibit, including libraries, schools, learning centers, community groups, history buffs, senior citizen centers and local civic organizations, as well as local banks and businesses with New Deal connections.
There are over 130 color images of murals, paintings & sculptures in our library.
We also have 28 black and white photos that are reproductions of the work done by the Farm Security Administration, by Dorothea Lange and John Collier, Jr.
The rental fee is $150.00 for a three-month showing in an appropriate local community building of your choice
To Arrange for the Exhibit…
We will meet with you to help you assemble the photos, their labels, and other signage.
We will work with you on transportation, scheduling, publicity, supporting material, etc.
Additionally, we can offer a speaker at the opening of the exhibit, or during its showing.
You Select Photos from our Collection…
You customize your New Deal photo exhibit by selecting photos from our Exhibit Catalog.
Each reproduction image is framed , 15” x 18” . Each photo is framed, 11”x14”.
Included with the photos are various other signage about the New Deal and its significance in America’s history.
To make your exhibit more successful, collaboration with other community groups is strongly encouraged. Some of the public buildings in your town may have New Deal furniture, interior tinwork, chandeliers, and other items to show off. Banks have a New Deal program in the form of F.D.I.C., and in rural areas, the REA – rural electric cooperatives – is another New Deal program that still serves its area.
Media on this page
BISTTRAM EMIL Justice Temrered with Mercy FEDERAL COURTHOUSE Albuquerque
“Promises Kept: New Deal Art in New Mexico” by NM PBS
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BOYD E Spanish Colonial Design Portfolio Plate 38 Brannigan Library LAS CRUCES
BOYD E Spanish Colonial Design Portfolio Plate 31 Brannigan Library LAS CRUCES
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