Our NM Chapter LND Staff
Kathy Flynn - Founder and Former Executive Director
Brad Wieneke - NM Manager and Webmaster
New Mexico Chapter Working Group Members
Alana McGrattan - Chair
Retired Tribal Libraries Program Coordinator
Corrales, New Mexico
Theresa Spencer- Asst. Chair
NMPBS Development Director
Albuquerque, NM
Lisa Longeteig
Educator & Librarian
Santa Fe, NM
Scott Sheldon
Former Employee NM State Library
Santa Fe, NM
Charles Swaney
Santa Fe, NM
Michael Ettema
Art Appraiser & Curator
Santa Fe, NM
Stephanie Eagle
Ret Educator / Librarian
Cochiti Lake, NM
Stephen Gerado
Strategic planner / NGO Specialist
Santa Fe, NM
John Smith
Novato, CA
Front Kathy, and John, back row Lisa, Theresa, Michael, Alana, Stephanie, and Stephen
"The Resurrection" Patriciño Barela