New Deal Explored
September 19, 2015
This video is from a conference , about the New Deal, that was held in Santa Fe New Mexico at our State Capital Building.
The NNDPA was created in 1998 thanks to individuals from various Secretary of State offices representing various states nationwide who came together in Santa Fe to discuss all the New Deal accomplishments that were still serving Americans in their individual states and concern that all of those sites needed to be preserved, conserved or restored. Some of those present ended up as part of the first Board of Directors of the newly formed non-profit organization and the current Boards of our groups continue to work hard to carry out the established mission.
The National New Deal Preservation ASSOCIATION (NNDPA) and its New Mexico Chapter are non-profit, tax-exempt 501-c-3 organizations devoted to preserving the country’s New Deal legacy through the identification, documentation, preservation and public education about the New Deal and its profound impact on Americans in the Great Depression—specifically through the visual and performing arts, literature, crafts, structures, and environmental projects.
Another NNDPA chapter is in Colorado Springs, CO. Our national organization is always ready to help other chapters get started and the current board has a number of members that specialize their knowledge in the various ND projects. Since NNDPA started, four other “sister organizations” with similar New Deal goals exist in California, Maine, NY City and Chicago. All are in communication with the Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, NY.
Learn more
Our National website: https://nndpa.org/ or at https://newdeallegacy.org/
The New Mexico Chapter website: https://nndpanewmexicochapter.org/
Please consider becoming joining as a member of our organizations and we always appreciate donations. This helps us further our missions.
We have also received generous grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the New Mexico Humanities Council. These grants continue to help us with our out-reach programs.
For links to other Organizational Partners: https://nndpanewmexicochapter.org/about